Due to our high altitude, Santa Fe experiences cold winters and snow
One the nicest ways to enjoy your time inside during the cold winter months (apart from eating green chile stew) is with a warm fire burning in a fireplace. Why do you need to clean your chimney?
Burning wood produces a substance called creosote that builds up in the chimney. Creosote build up is flammable and if not cleaned, can cause a fire. A congested chimney can also cause carbon monoxide poisoning. How often should your fireplace be cleaned?
It is recommended that your fireplace be cleaned once yearly and/or when the creosote buildup is at 1/8”. Regardless of if you use your fireplace a few times a year, or a few times a week, rain, snow, and cold conditions can damage the chimney or flue compromising their efficacy. We use a HEPA centrifugal gravity dust extractor vacuum. It is a specialized piece of equipment that removes debris, while leaving the air particulate-free. It is also quiet and has a triple-filtration vacuum design which is the absolute best in the industry. After the chimney is cleaned, one of our certified techs will review with the client if there are any needed repairs. Santa Fe EcoWood is CCP-certified (Certified Chimney Professionals, a national credential for chimney sweeps). We are fully insured. |